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Topic review


Re: Update of registry key ProxyPasswordEnc

Sorry, I've misunderstood the question. You can use ProxyPassword instead, which in not encrypted.

Re: Update of registry key ProxyPasswordEnc

The data in registry key ProxyPasswordEnc is enkrypted so how can I just update it without encrypt it first ?

Regards Michael

Re: Update of registry key ProxyPasswordEnc

Anonymous wrote:

Is it possible to update the registry key ProxyPasswordEnc with a script ?

Sure. Just export the registry. Use your script on the exported file. And import it back. Or use INI file instead of the registry.

Update of registry key ProxyPasswordEnc


Is it possible to update the registry key ProxyPasswordEnc with a script ?

I have many sessions and have to change proxy password each month. Using the GUI take to long time. With a script I can call the utility for each session with the new password as an argument.

Regards Michael