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Re: Endless looping listing directories after login

Sorry I have missed your original post. I've never seen the problem before.

Can you provide me your email address, so I can send you a debug version of WinSCP to track the problem? If you do not want to post the address here, you can send me an email. You will find it (if you log in) in my forum profile. Please include link to this topic. Thanks.

Re: Endless looping listing directories after login


Still haven't been able to find a solution for this. It seems like it may be related this issue but may not be the exact same thing as that one deals with SCP rather than FTP.

Endless looping listing directories after login

I'm having an issue FTPing into an OS 9 box (it is a very old real-time Unix for those not familiar with it).

After hitting connect the session window will start continuously listing-

Retrieving directory listing
Directory listing successful
Retrieving directory listing
Directory listing successful
... etc

The text in the tab bar will cycle between 37 and 38 directories every second or so (there are a total of 38 items in the directory that I am logging into). Eventually after a minute of this WinSCP will stop responding and I'll have to kill it.

The selection of the log file shows the following-

226 Transfer Complete
Directory listing successful
Got reply 1 to command 2
Retrieving directory listing...
200 Type set to A, ASCII mode
PORT 172, 10, 4, 195, 9 155
200 Port set okay
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection
226 Transfer Complete
... etc

The box is unfortunately not accessible on the regular 'net and copying raw logs off of the Windows box is lengthy procedure.

I'm using WinSCP 4.1.6 in the commander style. I've tried passive mode and disabling keep alives. The regular command line Windows FTP program connects just fine. Any ideas?