Unfortunately, logging was off when it happened. I turned them on, but the crash is not easily reproducible, so I send them only next time crash happens.
Thanks in advance.
Before posting, please read how to report bug or request support effectively.
Bug reports without an attached log file are usually useless.
Unfortunately, logging was off when it happened. I turned them on, but the crash is not easily reproducible, so I send them only next time crash happens.
Far 1.70 build 2087
It happens occasionally after remote SCP command execution. Such as "tar -xjf ..." or Makefile compilation.
Exception occurred:
"Attempt to read from the inaccessible address 0x11"
Exception address: 0x45DD5C in module:
The plugin will be Unloaded!
Exception occurred:
"Attempt to read from the inaccessible address 0x4"
Exception address: 0x45DD5C in module:
The plugin will be Unloaded!
Company Name Martin Prikryl
File Description FAR SFTP/SCP client plugin
File Version
Internal Name winscpfar
Legal Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Martin Prikryl
Original Filename far.dll
Product Name WinSCP
Product Version