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Topic review


Well I did find a way:

call cp -a "/source path" "/destination path"

Thanks for your help.

Jaxisland wrote:

Seems fairly straight forward. The only thing I dont see is a way to copy files on the remote machine. Say it has 2 hard drives. I want to take a folder from drive 1 and move it to drive 2. Is that possible?

There's mv command for that. But some servers does not allow you to move files across file systems.

Seems fairly straight forward. The only thing I dont see is a way to copy files on the remote machine. Say it has 2 hard drives. I want to take a folder from drive 1 and move it to drive 2. Is that possible?

Re: Job Scheduling

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Job Scheduling

Is there a way to schedule jobs in WinSCP? I am connecting to a linux based vmserver, and I want to schdule a job to copy the files over once a week. I need them to go to a network drive.

I can do it manually just fine, but is there a way to have it done automatically?

Thank you