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The difference may be that on Unix the default shell is started by operating system with --login switch. While WinSCP does not do that for explicitly specified shells.

Thanks prikryl for clarification.

In case it is using the default shell of user account (/bin/ksh), why winscp is always failing.

while after I ticked it to "/bin/ksh", the same default shell, it became working. Still can't explain this to my customer.

Re: for an old version 3.6.7, what is the shell winscp is using?

Eric_Gao wrote:

Just wondering waht is the the "default" option using?

It is using the default shell of your user account.

for an old version 3.6.7, what is the shell winscp is using?

Hi Guys,

I got a problem when run this version with scp protocol. on tab environment/scp, if I choose "default", I am always getting error "Error skipping startup message. Your shell is probably imcompatible with the application".

if I change Environment/SCP shell to enter followed by any available shells, it works fine.

Just wondering waht is the the "default" option using? should it be one of the available shell that I had tried? why it is only working after I specified explicitly?
