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and for zip format?

i want to zip all the file in customer account but shure liki and into it all the publichtml files


Re: Create Multiple tar or zip's

martin wrote:

Following will do:

tar -cz -f "!.tar" "!"

Do not forget to check Apply to directories.

Perfect that is just what I needed.

Many thanks.

Re: Create Multiple tar or zip's

Following will do:

tar -cz -f "!.tar" "!"

Do not forget to check Apply to directories.

Create Multiple tar or zip's

Is there a custom command that will create multiple tar's or zip's.

I have a lot of folders that contain either images or files.

What I would like is to have a custom command to take the folder name and make a tar or zip of the folder and it's contents.

So if I selected say 10 folders and their contents it would make a seperate tar or zip of each folder, instead of just 1 archive.

Hope I have explained myself on that one.