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Re: Returning the prompt

zac80 wrote:

Martin, is there any way I can forward a command to the remote server such that WinSCP does not hang while the command is executed? Particularly, I would like to run the command "nohup ./file.bin &".

You can workaround syntactical problem with & by invoking the command from child shell, like:
/bin/sh -c "nohup ./file.bin &"

Returning the prompt

Martin, is there any way I can forward a command to the remote server such that WinSCP does not hang while the command is executed? Particularly, I would like to run the command "nohup ./file.bin &".

Mercury wrote:

And what to do if I need to upload some file automatically and run some command (automatically, too)? Use two programs just for the sake of some "&"?

What about not using the &?

And what to do if I need to upload some file automatically and run some command (automatically, too)? Use two programs just for the sake of some "&"?

Re: And what to do?

Mercury wrote:

Well, how to circumvent this?
(I use WinSCP to start some task automatically, so I cannot use PuTTY)

Try plink from PuTTY package.

And what to do?

Well, how to circumvent this?
(I use WinSCP to start some task automatically, so I cannot use PuTTY)

Error while "call nohup command &"

When I try typing

> open somesession
> cd somedirectory
> call nohup somecommand &

WinScp outputs

> Searching for host...
> Connecting to host...
> Authenticating...
> Using username "someuser".
> Authenticating with pre-entered password.
> Authenticated.
> Starting the session...
> Reading remote directory...
> Session started.
> -sh: Syntax error: ";" unexpected
> Connection has been unexpectedly closed. Server sent command exit status 2.
> Session 'somesession' closed.
> No session.

The command DOES work in PuTTY. The reason is clearly "&" at the end of command.
What to do?