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Topic review


I figured out. Thanks Admin.

I tested back and forth and figured out. I used windows FTP command to set up a VBA module to do auto FTP a few days ago. But later on I realized I need to do SFTP so I find out Winscp. But the script has to be changed.

The change is primarily: /script=script.txt)

and open is also structurally different from my previous script.

Now it is working on my side and I need to do test with SFTP account of real customers.

Re: I am attempting this too

Highage wrote:

here is part of my code:


but still search on ...

And what problem do you have?

I am attempting this too

here is part of my code:

Print #lInt_FreeFile01, "option batch on"
Print #lInt_FreeFile01, "option confirm off"
Print #lInt_FreeFile01, "open"
Print #lInt_FreeFile01, "xxxx"
Print #lInt_FreeFile01, "xxxx"
Print #lInt_FreeFile01, "cd public_html/"
Print #lInt_FreeFile01, "option transfer binary"
Print #lInt_FreeFile01, "put " & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\jw\test1.txt"

but still search on ...

Re: Auto Upload

Use /defaults or use scripting. In any case, you need to upgrade.

Auto Upload

Hi all,

I am using WINSCP 3.6.8. and I want to upload an Excel-File by VBA automatically.

... Shell("C:\Program Files\WinSCP3\WinSCP3.exe /upload C:\test_file.xls /home/uploads/)")

It works fine until the message-box (Copy) appears where I have to confirm it manually.

It would be nice if someone knows how to disable the message box or how to change the command.

Thanks in advance and kind regards,
