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Re: How do I capture the return code of the winscp script?

Sorry, I do not understand. What is difference from capturing exit status of batch file and application?

Re: How do I capture the return code of the winscp script?

can you please let me know if there is any possibility of capturing the exit status of winscp script which is being invoked by the windows batch file.If I can captute the exit status of the batch file, that should solve my problem.Thanks in Advance.

Re: How do I capture the return code of the winscp script?

I do not know Java. But it is probably very simple. Just check Java documentation.

How do I capture the return code of the winscp script?

I have a batch file that inovkes the winscp script to fetch some files from the server.This batch file is accessed via a java application.My requirement is to redirect to a new page once the script finishes the execution. Is there any way I can capture the exit status on close of the connection to the server, so that i can use that code in the application for redirecting. Thanks in Advance.