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Good Advice

The FAQs identified the problem for me. Logged into Sequel server with same account that SQL Server Agent runs under, created a profile in WinSCP, now it works fine. :D Thanks!

Re: Scripting works only from Command prompt

Please read FAQ. If that does not help, come back.

I have the same issue. I find that WinSCP stores information in the user profile, however, when I run script, I scheduled the using another local service account. This means certain information like servers to connect to are not found.

Scripting works only from Command prompt

Would like to automate FTP of file to remote server from Sequel Job but nothing seems to work. I tried calling WinSCP from another executable, calling it from Sequel using xp_cmdshell, and calling it from Sequel using CmdExec. Nothing works except typing the commands at the command prompt. Any help appreciated. Thanks.