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Re: Notepad++ crashs when saving a file

Well, with such error, you should still first contact Notepad++ support.

Re: Notepad++ crashs when saving a file

martin wrote:

What error is it?

EventType : BEX P1 : notepad++.exe P2 : P3 : 494468bf
P4 : ComparePlugin.dll P5 : P6 : 49358298 P7 : 00002438
P8 : c0000409 P9 : 00000000

Re: Notepad++ crashs when saving a file

What error is it?

Notepad++ crashs when saving a file

I installed the latest version of WinSCP. I connect via SCP to my server (root access) and edit files with the latest version of Notepad++ (multiple files in one window is checked). I can open as much files as I want and can edit them but when I save the file Notepad++ gets an error and is closed but the file will be saved.

I don't know if this is a bug in WinSCP or Notepad++ but while there is no error with Notepad++ when working offline I believe the problem is WinSCP.