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Re: Connection times out

Are you able to see any incoming connection attempts on the server side?

Connection times out

I have WinSCP installed and working fine on my PC, but a colleague behind a different router is having problems.

The server is obviously configured fine, as I can connect. We've disabled his software firewall, his router has traffic allowed through, but it simply times out every time we try and connect.

I've read the documentation and everything I can find on the net and everything simply says it must be a port issue, but it's not.

His PC is Vista (as is mine), so I wonder if there's some problem in Vista that anyone knows about. It is clearly connected to Vista, as he can't SSH with Putty either. We can ping the server from the CLI, so it is trying to connect to the right IP.

There's no local server loopback set up on his PC and the server doesn't have any restrictions in the hosts.allow or deny files.

Does anyone have any other ideas please?