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This is a very old thread but I am posting an answer in case anyone else finds the same problem.

The issue is the OP wants to exclude files but has specified an include filter.

The filters need to begin with the pipe "|" character.

I've sent an email back.
It should be delivered because of no attachment.
Please tell me if things do wrong.

I've sent an email with no attachement.
If it doesn't reach, I will make another mail account to send log file.

I've sent it again just few minutes ago.
I hope it's reach to you.

No I haven't. Please try to send it again. Thanks.

I have already sent the report of debugger version few days ago, but sorry about not reply in this forum.
Have you received it?

I have replied to your email already.

I've just sent an email.
If it'd not reach, please remind me.

Can you provide me your email address, so I can send you a debug version of WinSCP to track the problem? If you do not want to post the address here, you can send me an email. You will find my address (if you log in) in my forum profile. Please include link to this topic. Thanks.

Can you try to remove the trailing semicolon?

Even I can not understand what "trailing" means, I try without any semicolon.

Attached is the screenshot.

I've uploaded none of 3 example directories yet with exclude mask */.svn/.

I cannot try that atm. However I would guess that the trouble is caused by trailing semicolon of the exclude mask. It effectively adds one move empty mask which excludes everything. Can you try to remove the trailing semicolon?

Sorry about late response.

I've uploaded some screenshots.
I'm wondering that these are enough to tell the problem.

As it is shown on PNG file, I tried to upload 3 type of directories(example, example1, example2) after that.
However I could upload nothing.

I've tried to reproduce the problem with the exactly same paths and the the first exclude mask and it works.
Can you post a screenshot showing the panels and synchronize dialog with all the options?

So have you used upload (copy) or synchronize?

On C:\htdocs' for local, '/var/www/htdocs' for remote,
I try to upload by draging the example directory to remote.
And I also try to synchronize.
Both two ways doesn't work.

Can you post your exclude mask literally?

I usually use this exclude mask.


I tried these also.




Re: some directories won't upload with exclude mask

kanonji wrote:

When I drag the example directory, Synchronize with exclude mask such as below.

So have you used upload (copy) or synchronize?


Can you post your exclude mask literally?

some directories won't upload with exclude mask

Hi there.


here I have example directory that has a subdirectory named .svn.
There aren't any files or directories in the example directory.

I want to upload the example directory to /var/www/htdocs/ on my server.
so, I opened 'C:\htdocs' for local, '/var/www/htdocs' for remote with WinSCP.
When I drag the example directory, Synchronize with exclude mask such as below.


The example directory isn't uploaded unexpectedly.
Is this supposed action or not?
In addtion, it's happened there is only one directory that is indicated not to be uploaded by exclude mask in a directory.
Not only for '.svn'.
For example, 'templates', 'templates_c', '.settings' and more.

I use winscp418.exe that is Portable executable version on WindowsXP.
I try to upload via FTP.

Thanks a lot.
And please, no flames about my bad English.