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Re: Cannot proxy through firewall


Cannot proxy through firewall

I have read the instructions in the manual and have not been able to get them to work.

I have a firewall that I need to telnet to in order to connect to my web server. The manual talks about this situation and offers a solution to this architecture which is identical to my situation. But it is not working for me.

My situation:
I need to telnet to the firewall.
I need to authenticate to the firewall.
Once authenticated I need to 'connect hostname'.
I need to authenticate to the 'hostname'.
Once authenticated I can now SSH on the 'hostname' machine.

I can easily do this with PuTTY as I can set up a telnet connection in it and then, after passing my credentials, can issue the connect command, authenticate and manage the server. But I cannot seem to get this working in WinSCP and I am getting more and more desperate in my need to be able to transfers files to and from this machine. Any help would be appreciated in this matter.