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Topic review


ThomasW wrote:

Ok, and if not: How do I get information about the SSH protocol version, the remote host prefers?

If the server supports both, SSH-2 is preferred, being more secure. If the server supports SSH-1, there's no choice. With default settings WinSCP falls back to SSH-1, if SSH-2 is not supported.

Ok, and if not: How do I get information about the SSH protocol version, the remote host prefers?

Thomas Wiedmann

Re: Determination/selection of Preferred SSH protocol version

As of now, SSH-2 is preferred for 99.9% servers.

Determination/selection of Preferred SSH protocol version


when configuring a new login to a remote host on section "SSH" the preferred SSH protocol version has to be selected.
How do I get information about the SSH protocol version, the remote host prefers, to select the right option in WinSCP?

Thomas Wiedmann