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Re: remote directory

hapetter wrote:

I was able to log into that computer and got into this directory: /home/SvcCOPSSH.
However I cannot find this directory on the remote computer? what is the true path of this directory?
is it c\home\SvcCOPSSH?

It should be somewhere under C:\Program files\CopSSH

How can I specify that I like to enter a spesific directory on the remote computer? ex. c/test.mydir

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remote directory

Im getting closeer now:)

I have installed CopSSH on a remote computer.

I was able to log into that computer and got into this directory: /home/SvcCOPSSH.
However I cannot find this directory on the remote computer? what is the true path of this directory?
is it c\home\SvcCOPSSH?

How can I specify that I like to enter a spesific directory on the remote computer? ex. c/test.mydir

Please help me understand.


Best regards
Hans Pettersson