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Re: Tunneled FTP? Or maybe add Proxy type 'Local' as per PuTTY?

Thanks for your post. This request is being tracked already.

Tunneled FTP? Or maybe add Proxy type 'Local' as per PuTTY?


Many congrats on new version - one thing still missing though, there's still only the option to run FTP via a proxy but not through a tunnel.

To get out to FTP sites I need go via a server in our DMZ (fortunately running SSH) so presently therefore on my desktop I have to use PuTTY to SSH to our DMZ with a dynamic port forward and then open a WinSCP FTP session using this tunnel for my ftp traffic.

If it's not possible to open the tunnel directly in WinSCP, then it would be good to at least have Proxy type 'Local' also available for FTP sessions as this could be set up with a plink command line to open the tunnel and port forward automatically.

Just an idea as the ftp tunnelling clearly works when done through a seperate PuTTY tunnel.