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Re: Foreign text fonds such as cyrillic

[quote="Tigger"]Should I use another editor for that ?[/qoute]
Yes, external editor may help, if your server does indeed supports UTF-8.

If yes, which freeware is easy to use and capable of it ?

Do not know. But I guess most of them would do.

Foreign text fonds such as cyrillic

when I open a php file directly from the server in the editor, I can type in cyrillic letters. But if I save the file and open it again, it only shows ???? and little boxes. Everything is running on UTF-8. My database, server, homepage etc. How can I handle this as I have to add some meta tags in russian french and polish language. Should I use another editor for that ? If yes, which freeware is easy to use and capable of it ?

Greetings from Moscow :roll: