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Re: Possible Bug with Stored Session Name and Shell Icon?

It does work for me.
Can you post a target (or command) of the shell icon created?
BTW, do you use INI file or registry for storing configuration?

Possible Bug with Stored Session Name and Shell Icon?

Greetings, I'm new to WinSCP, but I think I may have found a bug with the hot-drop desktop icon.

FYI, I'm using the portable version of WinSCP (v4.1.8).

Here is the description of what I am observing:

The following steps work just fine:

1) I create a new stored session (configure everything, i.e. host name, username, password, etc).

2) I save the new stored session and use the WinSCP default session name (looks something like this:

3) I create a desktop shell hot-drop icon.

4) I test the desktop shell hot-drop icon. The hot-drop icon works great if I either drop files on the icon or double-click the icon.

Now here is the problem I'm observing:

If I modify step number 2 above and don't accept the WinSCP default session name, but choose another session name ("MySession" instead of ""), the subsquently created hot-drop icon does not work. When I try to use the hot-drop icon, I get the message "Network Error", or "Host not Found". If I open WinSCP and choose to connect to the non-default named session, it works just fine. However, unless I let WinSCP name the session according the the default session naming convention, the hot-drop desktop icon does not work.

Is this a bug? Or, am I missing some critical configuration detail?

Regards, Jeff