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Topic review


Many thanks, has today checked and really all work.

Well, WinSCP synchronizes all file by default. It can actually be configured to synchronize existing files only. This can be configured in GUI only, but script uses the configuration. So please first check if this is the case.

But in my version new files are not transferred in the removed folder. May be it is because of specific options or WinSCP caches status of directories?

Re: Synchronization

Alex_78 wrote:

WinSCP synchronize already available files, that is if i create a new file in a local directory it will not be written down in a remote folder?

No WinSCP synchronizes all files. Even new ones.



Have I correctly understand that when i realize synchronization with the script:

option batch on
option confirm off
open mark
option transfer
option exclude "*.idx; *.hdx; *.xdx; .htaccess; Backups; Cache; Logs"
synchronize remote D:\www\Sites\a1 /test/www/Sites/a1

WinSCP synchronize already available files, that is if i create a new file in a local directory it will not be written down in a remote folder?
And when i realize synchronization with GUI - all is transferred.