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Topic review


Thank you very much for your great answer, Martin,

Very well done.

winscp /ini=path

I am very sorry, but I do not know what that means.

I would like to have them / all my own configuration settings stored in another folder on a separate hard disc. Where can I set this, how could I do this?

May be you are able to answer with a sentence or to give me a clue otherwise. That would be great.

Many thanks again for your gorgeous help, nice greetings, Dirk

Re: How to store all your own settings in another folder

winscp /ini=path

Re: How to store all your own settings in another folder

So many thanks for giving me this great advice again Martin,

I am very glad about it; I had already done it.

May be you see a chance to answer, I would appreciate it very much, indeed.

Nice greetings, Dirk

Re: How to store all your own settings in another folder

Please read documentation. If that does not help, come back.

How to store all your own settings in another folder

In which folder(s) / file(s) does WinSCP store all my own configuration settings, which can be set in menu "Options", "Settings"?

I would like to have them / all my own configuration settings stored in another folder on a separate hard disc. Where can I set this, how could I do this?

Nice greetings, Dirk