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Topic review


Temporary folder random number when editing a file

When editing a remote text file, it creates a temporary file in Temp\scp12345\path\filename.

I understand the need to use scp12345 since I often have the same pathnames for files on two different servers (i.e. dev & prod servers)

However with my text editor I use plugins such as ctags, automatic backups, etc that depend on the file path to work well. Since scp12345 is randomly generated, the path changes every time I create a new session.

I think using the hostname or something generated by a combination of the hostname/port/user (as long as it's constant between sessions) is a safe alternative in most cases.

Would it be possible to have an option to use the server hostname instead of the randomly generated scp12345 above?

The other solution that I can think of is an option to set a specific temporary folder for each named session.
