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Re: No suitable driver (JAVA program using DB2)

OK, but the Java itself or the package you are executing may depend on environment variables.

Re: No suitable driver (JAVA program using DB2)


Thanks for the answer.
The sh file contains a following line:

/usr/lib/java/jre/bin/java -cp importer.jar:/opt/STS/Import/ hu.Export

So java and is definied with full path, without any environment variables. I have changed a shell on Suse Linux to Bash 3.2, before the changing, the winscp script worked.

Don't you have any other idea?


martin wrote:

Your script probably relies on some environment variables. These maybe set from startup script that is not executed for non-interactive sessions (WinSCP).

Re: No suitable driver (JAVA program using DB2)

Your script probably relies on some environment variables. These maybe set from startup script that is not executed for non-interactive sessions (WinSCP).

No suitable driver (JAVA program using DB2)

Hi all,

I have a problem.
I have a shell script, which is calling a java program. (using DB2 in background)
In putty, it works, but in when I tried to call it in WinSCP, i have an error message. The driver is given in sh with FULL path, also it can not be wrong, however it works, when I tried in console window.

* 2009-04-10 10:59:30.809 (ETerminal) Command './'
* 2009-04-10 10:59:30.809 failed with return code 0 and error message
* 2009-04-10 10:59:30.809 java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver

Can anybody help for me, what am i doing wrong?

Thx, for help!