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Topic review


Re: Unclear passworddialog connecting ssh tunneled through ssh

martin wrote:

What about the:
Tunnel session authentication

Thanks for your quick reply.

my loginname is identical in my hosts, so it is not clear, with host i used for the tunnel. I dont say the dialog is wrong, but it could be better :-)


Re: Unclear passworddialog connecting ssh tunneled through ssh

What about the:
Tunnel session authentication

Re: Unclear passworddialog connecting ssh tunneled through ssh

martin wrote:

I believe WinSCP does that. What version of WinSCP are you using? Have you tried the latest one? If you use that, can you post a screenshot? Or at least log file.

I tested with WinSCP 4.2.1 beta

Still no hint to the name of the tunnelhost.
my loginname is identical in my hosts, so it is not clear, with host i used for the tunnel :-)

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Re: Unclear passworddialog connecting ssh tunneled through ssh

I believe WinSCP does that. What version of WinSCP are you using? Have you tried the latest one? If you use that, can you post a screenshot? Or at least log file.

Unclear passworddialog connecting ssh tunneled through ssh

If connecting a ssh tunneld through a ssh server it is not easy to say what password winscp is asking for. The Windowtitle does not change and is for the host, not for the tunnel-host.

Would be nice, if the name of the tunnel-host would be mentioned somewhere in the dialog. for example:

Password for tunnel-host (user@tunnel):

and than after the next connection:

Password for host (user@server):

Thanks a lot.
