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Re: Filtering uploaded files with a certain regexp

momento878 wrote:

so I understand this can't be done in WinSCP ?


Re: Filtering uploaded files with a certain regexp

So I understand this can't be done in WinSCP?

Our system administrator doesn't know of a way to enforce these rules - if you know of a way to do this please advise.

Re: Filtering uploaded files with a certain regexp

This is rather task for the server to enforce the rules.

Filtering uploaded files with a certain regexp


a number of workers in my department are using WinSCP (Version 3.8.2) to upload files to the server.
some of the time they upload files with names that contain invalid characters like ";" or "?" etc.

I would like to limit the files that are uploaded to a certain pattern, here it is in regular expression syntax:

meaning that any filename that contains a character that is not one of following:
a to b (case insensitive), any digit, "_" , "." or "-"
will be prevented from uploading.
I've tried to do this using file masks but I could not manage to apply the above using the built in mask systax.