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Re: Drag and drop stopped working

Rom wrote:

I was chunking along moving files w/ drag and drop, then hit the ctrl or shift key by mistake. Now drag and drop no longer works.

How do I restore dran and drop functionality?

Would restart help? Even if it does, are you able to reproduce the problem?

Drag and drop stopped working

I was chunking along moving files w/ drag and drop, then hit the ctrl or shift key by mistake. Now drag and drop no longer works.

How do I restore dran and drop functionality?


Re: Unable to Drag and Drop into a window containing no files

Anonymous wrote:

Is it possible to change the behaviour of WinSCP to make the panels behave more like windows explorer where you actually need to be above the folder name to drop into that folder and anywhere else on the folder line would actually drop into the current folder rather than the folder on the line you are hovering over?

Please read documentation. If that does not help, come back.

Unable to Drag and Drop into a window containing no files

If you have a panethat only contains folders you are unable to drag and drop anything into it as when hovering over any part of a folder WinSCP thinks you want to drop into that folder rather than the current directory.

Most of the time this is not a major issue as you can work around it but if the root folder of an ftp site only contains a large number of sub folders (100+) you have no privileges to enter you are effectively unable to use drag an drop to transfer files.

Is it possible to change the behaviour of WinSCP to make the panels behave more like windows explorer where you actually need to be above the folder name to drop into that folder and anywhere else on the folder line would actually drop into the current folder rather than the folder on the line you are hovering over?