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Topic review


Hi Martin,

This time another assertion failed:
"Assertion failed: AreFileApisANSI(), the file far\FarPlugin.cpp, line 2780"


I'm sending you new debug version.

Hi Martin,

I've changed my DLL with the one you've sent me. Far failed to start with the following message:
"Assertion failed: FANSIApis == FarPlugin->ANSIApis, file far\FarPlugin.cpp, line 2791"

It looks like there is a conflict between ANSI plugin and Unicode version of Far.


I've sent you a debug version.

Managed to fix the problem by changing time format in regional settings from h:mm:ss (that's probably why the module supposes the time to be shorter) to HH:mm:ss.

Abnormal termnation of FAR Plugin

Good morning,

While working with Far WinSCP plugin (Far manager, build 981; WinSCP plugin 1.62) I've experienced the following problem:
- I log on some server;
- I can navigate through directories' hierarchy;
- But when I try to view/edit/copy some file, I receive 'Far: Abnormal program termination' error. On the background I see Far opening 'Caclulating directory size...0%' dialog window.
- Far exits.
- The problem is reproduced... hm... I supposed it to be randomly, but then I've mentioned, that it appears only in the morning... even so - in the late morning!

Today I performed an experiment, and now I'm completely sure: plugin fails when it is more than 10.00AM but less than 1.00PM. It doesn't work when the hours are represented by two figures (10,11,12).

So, would you please fix it somehow? I love Far very much, and don't want to change it for some other tools...

Thank you in advance,
Yours sincerely,