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Re: Renaming multiple remote files

You cannot do with WinSCP, unless the part of name you want to keep has fixed length. What it does not as I can see.

Renaming multiple remote files

I'm having newbie trouble renaming several files at once.

I have a remote directory called "services". In this directory there is a series of HTML files, each with with "_services" at the end of their filename. For example, the list looks something like this:


and so on.

I've read the documentation. I understand how I can change the file extension for several files at once using the Moving Remote Files function, explained here:

So I can do this:

Fine. But I do not want to change the file extensions, I want to change multiple filenames. I simply want to delete the "_services" part from all the HTML filenames in my remote "services" directory, to leave me with:


Please, could someone show me the notation, using my example above? Would it make things easier to do a batch rename locally? Can I do that with WinSCP? If so, how? Thanks for any help.

Greetings, bristols