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Re: external file with connection settings

cniry wrote:

At windows registry I edit key
"C:\Program Files\WinSCP\WinSCP.exe" /script="%1"

But it's doing nothink :(

It should do something, but hidden. Make sure to add /console switch to make the console visible.

Re: external file with connection settings

At windows registry I edit key
"C:\Program Files\WinSCP\WinSCP.exe" /script="%1"

But it's doing nothink :(

for test i edit key as:
"C:\Program Files\WinSCP\" /script="%1"

and this work fine, but only in console

external file with connection settings

how can I add my connections to taskbar of windows 7?

I create file "spojeni.scp", what I have asigned to opening in winSCP but when I tried to run it, winSCP say: Host not found.

spojeni.scp contain:
option batch on

option confirm off

I know, that it can be opened in command line with winscp.exe /console /script=example.txt
But when I assigned file to opening in winscp, i think that Windows call it as: winscp.exe spojeni.scp

Thanks very much for reply. Sorry for my bad english :)