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Re: WinSCP deleted both LOCAL and REMOTE file upon failed upload

JW wrote:

PS: May I suggest an option to totally disable deleting of files after closing an editor, and only doing so upon restart or when the same remote file is re-opened? That would save a lot of pain with bugs like these.

Recent versions do that. What version are you using?

WinSCP deleted both LOCAL and REMOTE file upon failed upload

This really bit me in the bum today. :| :cry:

Situation: Got a SFTP-3 connection, using Explorer mode. My remote server somehow has a horrible link with tons of timeouts that's neither my side nor their side (the stuff happens at hop 10 of 20 hops, measured from either side), so I can't fix that.

Scenario: I'll be happily editing by doubleclicking. Gvim with a file in Temp\scpXXXX\whatever.c. I'll at some point try to upload. It will timeout during the transfer, before the transfer, it varies a bit. I get the 'reconnecting in 15s dialog', but that never seems to do shit. So I canceled it.


I had already closed GVim. That ended up in my REMOTE file being DELETED, and my LOCAL copy ALSO having been DELETED. This is a reason for me to stop using WinSCP immediately until this bug is fixed.

(Annoying follow-up: Remotely I can't recover, and my luck had it that browsing to a file-recovery on my own pc had my browser overwrite the blocks of the recovery file with its cache. I should have rebooted or done offline recovery, but damn, a 156kb file overwritten on a volume with 15GB or so free. What's the odds? :()

Other than that, WinSCP seems to have the features.

PS: May I suggest an option to totally disable deleting of files after closing an editor, and only doing so upon restart or when the same remote file is re-opened? That would save a lot of pain with bugs like these.