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Re: [Solved] External editor saving doesn't work

I figured this out because i tried to open files in another editor(notepad) and it worked :)

[Solved] External editor saving doesn't work

martin wrote:

Do you see a reason why it cannot save the file?

Yes. I figured out that PSPad have some bug with file saving.
So sorry to bother you guys with my rashly question.
I gues i have to change my file editor with something else :)

Admin can delete this post or something.


Re: External editor saving doesn't work

Do you see a reason why it cannot save the file?

External editor saving doesn't work


In 4.2.4 when you are in SCP protocol mode and you are using external editor(PSPad in my case), when you hit save button it says:
"Error saving file 'C:\Docume~1\uname\Locals~1\temp\scp58343\unixhome\uname\file'"
Until today I used v4.1.7 of WinSCP and everything worked OK.
It works well under SFTP, but i need SCP because i can set SCP/Shell to "sudo -s", so that i can play around outside of my home directory too :)
