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Re: Could not retrieve directory listing on WinSCP 4.2.5

ujang_daf wrote:

I'm receiving error like this:
. 2010-01-06 17:29:19.718 WinSCP Version 4.2.5 (Build 624) (OS 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2)
. 2010-01-06 17:29:19.718 Login time: Wednesday, January 06, 2010 5:29:19 PM
. 2010-01-06 17:29:19.718 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
. 2010-01-06 17:29:19.718 Session name: DSL-03_tsel@
. 2010-01-06 17:29:19.718 Host name: (Port: 21)
. 2010-01-06 17:29:19.718 User name: tsel (Password: No, Key file: No)
. 2010-01-06 17:29:19.718 Tunnel: No
. 2010-01-06 17:29:19.718 Transfer Protocol: FTP
. 2010-01-06 17:29:19.718 Ping type: C, Ping interval: 30 sec; Timeout: 15 sec
. 2010-01-06 17:29:19.718 Proxy: none
. 2010-01-06 17:29:19.718 FTP: FTPS: None; Passive: No [Force IP: No]
. 2010-01-06 17:29:19.718 Local directory: default, Remote directory: home, Update: No, Cache: Yes
. 2010-01-06 17:29:19.718 Cache directory changes: Yes, Permanent: Yes
. 2010-01-06 17:29:19.718 DST mode: 1
. 2010-01-06 17:29:19.718 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
. 2010-01-06 17:29:19.733 Password prompt (no password provided or last login attempt failed)
. 2010-01-06 17:29:24.218 Connecting to ...
. 2010-01-06 17:29:24.218 Connected with Waiting for welcome message...
< 2010-01-06 17:29:24.234 220 BetaFTPD 0.0.8pre17 ready.
> 2010-01-06 17:29:24.234 USER tsel
< 2010-01-06 17:29:24.234 331 Password required for tsel.
> 2010-01-06 17:29:24.234 PASS *********
< 2010-01-06 17:29:24.234 230 User logged in.
> 2010-01-06 17:29:24.234 SYST
< 2010-01-06 17:29:24.234 215 UNIX Type: L8
> 2010-01-06 17:29:24.234 FEAT
< 2010-01-06 17:29:24.234 500 Sorry, no such command.
. 2010-01-06 17:29:24.234 Connected
. 2010-01-06 17:29:24.234 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
. 2010-01-06 17:29:24.234 Using FTP protocol.
. 2010-01-06 17:29:24.234 Doing startup conversation with host.
> 2010-01-06 17:29:24.234 PASV
< 2010-01-06 17:29:24.234 227 Entering passive mode (192,168,129,34,12,120)
> 2010-01-06 17:29:24.234 PWD
< 2010-01-06 17:29:24.234 257 "/home/tsel" is current working directory.
. 2010-01-06 17:29:24.234 Getting current directory name.
. 2010-01-06 17:29:24.249 Retrieving directory listing...
> 2010-01-06 17:29:24.249 TYPE A
< 2010-01-06 17:29:24.249 200 Type is ASCII.
> 2010-01-06 17:29:24.249 PORT 192,168,128,91,13,87
< 2010-01-06 17:29:24.249 200 PORT command OK.
> 2010-01-06 17:29:24.249 LIST -a
. 2010-01-06 17:29:39.734 Timeout detected.
. 2010-01-06 17:29:39.734 Could not retrieve directory listing
* 2010-01-06 17:29:39.765 (ESshFatal) Lost connection.
* 2010-01-06 17:29:39.765 Timeout detected.
* 2010-01-06 17:29:39.765 Could not retrieve directory listing
* 2010-01-06 17:29:39.765 PORT command OK.
* 2010-01-06 17:29:39.765 Error listing directory '/home/tsel'.

this happen, after upgraded from previous version.

FTP Server environment: BetaFTPD 0.0.8pre17 on DSL
If using version 4.1.9, everything is OK.


The same error on different FTP Server:
. 2010-01-06 17:45:38.515 Session name: ftpuser@
. 2010-01-06 17:45:38.515 Host name: (Port: 21)
. 2010-01-06 17:45:38.515 User name: ftpuser (Password: No, Key file: No)
. 2010-01-06 17:45:38.515 Tunnel: No
. 2010-01-06 17:45:38.515 Transfer Protocol: FTP
. 2010-01-06 17:45:38.515 Ping type: C, Ping interval: 30 sec; Timeout: 15 sec
. 2010-01-06 17:45:38.515 Proxy: none
. 2010-01-06 17:45:38.515 FTP: FTPS: None; Passive: No [Force IP: No]
. 2010-01-06 17:45:38.515 Local directory: default, Remote directory: home, Update: No, Cache: Yes
. 2010-01-06 17:45:38.515 Cache directory changes: Yes, Permanent: Yes
. 2010-01-06 17:45:38.515 DST mode: 1
. 2010-01-06 17:45:38.515 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
. 2010-01-06 17:45:38.515 Password prompt (no password provided or last login attempt failed)
. 2010-01-06 17:45:42.422 Connecting to ...
. 2010-01-06 17:45:42.422 Connected with Waiting for welcome message...
< 2010-01-06 17:45:52.453 220 ProFTPD 1.2.10 Server (ProFTPD Default Installation) []
> 2010-01-06 17:45:52.453 USER ftpuser
< 2010-01-06 17:45:52.453 331 Password required for ftpuser.
> 2010-01-06 17:45:52.453 PASS ******
< 2010-01-06 17:45:52.469 230 User ftpuser logged in.
> 2010-01-06 17:45:52.469 SYST
< 2010-01-06 17:45:52.469 215 UNIX Type: L8
> 2010-01-06 17:45:52.469 FEAT
< 2010-01-06 17:45:52.469 211-Features:
< 2010-01-06 17:45:52.469 MDTM
< 2010-01-06 17:45:52.469 REST STREAM
< 2010-01-06 17:45:52.469 SIZE
< 2010-01-06 17:45:52.469 211 End
. 2010-01-06 17:45:52.469 Connected
. 2010-01-06 17:45:52.469 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
. 2010-01-06 17:45:52.469 Using FTP protocol.
. 2010-01-06 17:45:52.469 Doing startup conversation with host.
> 2010-01-06 17:45:52.469 PWD
< 2010-01-06 17:45:52.469 257 "/home/ftphome" is current directory.
. 2010-01-06 17:45:52.469 Getting current directory name.
. 2010-01-06 17:45:52.469 Retrieving directory listing...
> 2010-01-06 17:45:52.469 TYPE A
< 2010-01-06 17:45:52.469 200 Type set to A
> 2010-01-06 17:45:52.469 PORT 192,168,128,91,13,162
< 2010-01-06 17:45:52.469 200 PORT command successful
> 2010-01-06 17:45:52.469 LIST -a
. 2010-01-06 17:46:07.517 Timeout detected.
. 2010-01-06 17:46:07.517 Could not retrieve directory listing
* 2010-01-06 17:46:07.532 (ESshFatal) Lost connection.
* 2010-01-06 17:46:07.532 Timeout detected.
* 2010-01-06 17:46:07.532 Could not retrieve directory listing
* 2010-01-06 17:46:07.532 PORT command successful
* 2010-01-06 17:46:07.532 Error listing directory '/home/ftphome'.

Could not retrieve directory listing on WinSCP 4.2.5

I'm receiving error like this:
. 2010-01-06 17:29:19.718 WinSCP Version 4.2.5 (Build 624) (OS 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2)
. 2010-01-06 17:29:19.718 Login time: Wednesday, January 06, 2010 5:29:19 PM
. 2010-01-06 17:29:19.718 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
. 2010-01-06 17:29:19.718 Session name: DSL-03_tsel@
. 2010-01-06 17:29:19.718 Host name: (Port: 21)
. 2010-01-06 17:29:19.718 User name: tsel (Password: No, Key file: No)
. 2010-01-06 17:29:19.718 Tunnel: No
. 2010-01-06 17:29:19.718 Transfer Protocol: FTP
. 2010-01-06 17:29:19.718 Ping type: C, Ping interval: 30 sec; Timeout: 15 sec
. 2010-01-06 17:29:19.718 Proxy: none
. 2010-01-06 17:29:19.718 FTP: FTPS: None; Passive: No [Force IP: No]
. 2010-01-06 17:29:19.718 Local directory: default, Remote directory: home, Update: No, Cache: Yes
. 2010-01-06 17:29:19.718 Cache directory changes: Yes, Permanent: Yes
. 2010-01-06 17:29:19.718 DST mode: 1
. 2010-01-06 17:29:19.718 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
. 2010-01-06 17:29:19.733 Password prompt (no password provided or last login attempt failed)
. 2010-01-06 17:29:24.218 Connecting to ...
. 2010-01-06 17:29:24.218 Connected with Waiting for welcome message...
< 2010-01-06 17:29:24.234 220 BetaFTPD 0.0.8pre17 ready.
> 2010-01-06 17:29:24.234 USER tsel
< 2010-01-06 17:29:24.234 331 Password required for tsel.
> 2010-01-06 17:29:24.234 PASS *********
< 2010-01-06 17:29:24.234 230 User logged in.
> 2010-01-06 17:29:24.234 SYST
< 2010-01-06 17:29:24.234 215 UNIX Type: L8
> 2010-01-06 17:29:24.234 FEAT
< 2010-01-06 17:29:24.234 500 Sorry, no such command.
. 2010-01-06 17:29:24.234 Connected
. 2010-01-06 17:29:24.234 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
. 2010-01-06 17:29:24.234 Using FTP protocol.
. 2010-01-06 17:29:24.234 Doing startup conversation with host.
> 2010-01-06 17:29:24.234 PASV
< 2010-01-06 17:29:24.234 227 Entering passive mode (192,168,129,34,12,120)
> 2010-01-06 17:29:24.234 PWD
< 2010-01-06 17:29:24.234 257 "/home/tsel" is current working directory.
. 2010-01-06 17:29:24.234 Getting current directory name.
. 2010-01-06 17:29:24.249 Retrieving directory listing...
> 2010-01-06 17:29:24.249 TYPE A
< 2010-01-06 17:29:24.249 200 Type is ASCII.
> 2010-01-06 17:29:24.249 PORT 192,168,128,91,13,87
< 2010-01-06 17:29:24.249 200 PORT command OK.
> 2010-01-06 17:29:24.249 LIST -a
. 2010-01-06 17:29:39.734 Timeout detected.
. 2010-01-06 17:29:39.734 Could not retrieve directory listing
* 2010-01-06 17:29:39.765 (ESshFatal) Lost connection.
* 2010-01-06 17:29:39.765 Timeout detected.
* 2010-01-06 17:29:39.765 Could not retrieve directory listing
* 2010-01-06 17:29:39.765 PORT command OK.
* 2010-01-06 17:29:39.765 Error listing directory '/home/tsel'.

this happen, after upgraded from previous version.

FTP Server environment: BetaFTPD 0.0.8pre17 on DSL
If using version 4.1.9, everything is OK.
