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Topic review


trybowski2 wrote:

Alternatively I cuold use "exclude" option, but I can't because I also use "-delete". Why those two can't be used together? Could this limitation be removed?

Thanks for your post. This request has been added to tracker.

Another question, just to be sure -- if I do:

get -delete *

does this mean that each file is deleted only provided that its transfer was succesful?


Alternatively I cuold use "exclude" option, but I can't because I also use "-delete". Why those two can't be used together? Could this limitation be removed?

Another question, just to be sure -- if I do:

get -delete *

does this mean that each file is deleted only provided that its transfer was succesful?

scripting get and put "include subdirectories" setting

Hello everybody,
could you add the setting to put and get commands that would turn OFF the "include subdirectories" setting? Right now if I issue get *, it downloads everything from remote server's current dir, while I'd just like to download the content of current server dir, without subdirs.