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Syryos wrote:

No. Starting from my now-4.26 version, I made a backup copy of WinSCP.ini outside the WinSCP directory. Then I over/reinstalled the older 4.25 (WinSCP.ini still present). Then I over/resintalled the 4.26 (WinSCP.ini still present).

Neither I was able to reproduce the problem. If it ever happens again, please let me know.

No. Starting from my now-4.26 version, I made a backup copy of WinSCP.ini outside the WinSCP directory. Then I over/reinstalled the older 4.25 (WinSCP.ini still present). Then I over/resintalled the 4.26 (WinSCP.ini still present).

So again, can you reproduce that?

Hi Martin.

I'm am pretty sure it did this on my computer! This morning I worked with the old version (I use this daily). I closed all connections, downloaded the new version and installed the new one. Found the WinSCP.ini overwritten by a new version with today's installation date!

Re: [SEVERE BUG] 4.26 installation deleted existing WinSCP,ini

Syryos wrote:

When upgrading from 4.25 to 4.26, my previously existing WinSCP.ini file was overwritten (deleted) by a new version (without any stored session).

I'm pretty sure, it does not. Though are you able to reproduce it? E.g. by reinstalling 4.2.6?

Another issue is that the location for WinSCP.ini cannot currently not be changed - when you decided to use a WinSCP.ini this lives in the Program File directory of WinSCP, the selection of a differen location is not possible.

Please read documentation. If that does not help, come back.

[SEVERE BUG] 4.26 installation deleted existing WinSCP,ini

When upgrading from 4.25 to 4.26, my previously existing WinSCP.ini file was overwritten (deleted) by a new version (without any stored session).

Thus my list of stored session was deleted unintentionally.

I regard this as a severe bug which should never happen without prompting the user.

Another issue is that the location for WinSCP.ini cannot currently not be changed - when you decided to use a WinSCP.ini this lives in the Program File directory of WinSCP, the selection of a differen location is not possible.