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Re: -delete option for a PUT - it thinks it's source filename

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Dee F

-delete option for a PUT - it thinks it's source filename

WinSCP Version 4.0.6 (Build 358) (OS 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3)

When I try...

put -delete output.txt targetdir\filename.txt

I get a response from WinSCP in the log that states

. 2010-02-19 12:51:57.128 File: "-delete"
* 2010-02-19 12:51:57.128 (ExtException)
. 2010-02-19 12:51:57.128 Asking user:
. 2010-02-19 12:51:57.128 File or folder '-delete' does not exist. ()
* 2010-02-19 12:51:57.128 (EScpSkipFile) File or folder '-delete' does not exist.
. 2010-02-19 12:51:57.128 Closing connection.

How do I change my script so it realizes the -delete is an option and not a filename?