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Topic review


Hi. to all Netgear DGN1000 users. I see a lot of reports of people getting weird wifi troubles. In my case, my laptops connected fine and diagnostics rpeorted no problems with excellent signals, but my browsers could only load Google pages and nothing else! The cure: Switch from WEP to WPA-PSK (Wi-Fi Protected Access Pre-Shared Key) security under the Wirless settings on your router. Reboot your laptop, then reconnect to your network entering the new WPA security code you've chosen. If you're using Win 7, make sure you check the properties of your connection on the laptop to be sure that the security type is TKIPC (I'm quoting from memory, but it's something like that). Worked fine for me. Good luck. JB

WinSCP and NetGear DGN 1000

Hi people,
I got a problem while connecting my iPhone Jailbreak 3GS and my PC. With my last router I hadn't these kind of problems. I tried to open ports in firewall menu, change port number (22 was by default), but I haven't any result.
What you advise me? :cry:
Thank you to all
