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Re: Pb with transfer resume.

Please post a log file with "Enable transfer resume/transfer to temporary file name" disabled.

Pb with transfer resume.


I've a problem with transfer resuming when I send files.
I've Winscp v. 4.1.7 (Build 413) installed.

I transfer with SFTP protocol in Binary mode. My client machine runs Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition with the last SP and security updates.

I've have the following error message (in GUI mode and also in script mode) :
"Transfer was succesfully finished, but temporary transfer file 'xxxxx.gz.filepart' could not be renamed to target file name 'xxxxx.gz'. If the problem persists, you may try to turn off transfer resume support.
General failure (server should provide error description)
Error code: 4
Error message from server : failure(en)
Request code : 18

I've not this message in ASCII mode.

I've disabled the option "Enable transfer resume/transfer to temporary file name" in the Transfer/Endurance menu. I've also disabled the option "Tranfer resuming" in the Environment menu with no more success.

Thanks for you help
