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Re: Keeping a session alive...

Guest wrote:

Although I've configured WinSCP to send NULL packets to keep the session alive, I keep getting disconnected after about 40-60 seconds of inactivity.

The NULL packets are just notification to server that client is still alive, so it is worthe to keep connection open. However server may ignore them.

This does not happen with my other FTP clients.

What clients?

Keeping a session alive...

Although I've configured WinSCP to send NULL packets to keep the session alive, I keep getting disconnected after about 40-60 seconds of inactivity. This does not happen with my other FTP clients.

Please see the clip below from the log file showing when the connection gets lost, even while the keepalive packets are being regularly sent.

Any suggestions?


. Pinging host to keep session alive.
. Sending special code: 15
. Pinging host to keep session alive.
. Sending special code: 15
. Pinging host to keep session alive.
. Sending special code: 15
. Pinging host to keep session alive.
. Sending special code: 15
. File: "/usr/www/users/xxxxxxxx"
. Copying "/usr/www/users/xxxxxxxx" to local directory started.
. Binary transfer mode selected.
. Opening remote file.
> Type: SSH_FXP_OPEN, Size: 61, Number: 5635
. Network error: Connection reset by peer