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Re: Embedded settings from .ini file

You can embed only the session settings.

Embedded settings from .ini file


I followed the guide on how to embed WinSCP session settings in the executable, however, what is not clear is how much of the ini file can be embedded.

The .exe I modified now automatically loads the session I embedded (hostname/port), however, it seems to ignore other parameters I embedded into the WINSCP_SESSION resource from my baseline .ini file.

I would like to embed parameters such as server key cache so that end-users will not receive warnings when they first logon to the server. Clients will be using WinSCP 4.27 under Windows XP SP3.

Can other parameters be embedded into the EXE, and if so, would I need to use a different resource name (instead of WINSCP_SESSION)?

The resource names mentioned in the documentation are:


However, please could you let me know if there is a specific resource name where I could embed other .ini config details such as:


Thanks in advance, much appreciated.