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This sets pass fail based on when the shell closes, that doesn't always guarantee file was sent. Thanks for trying though.

Re: Capturing Error Code Output

You should better ask on VBA related forum. Maybe this article (<invalid hyperlink removed by admin>) may help.

Re: Capturing Error Code Output

Nope, not using VB.NET, using VBA. The Process object does not exist in VBA, at least not with the libraries available.

So is there not any way to redirect the exit code to a text file if I simply wanted to manually type commands at cmd prompt?

Re: Capturing Error Code Output

It looks like you are using .NET, right? Read documentation then.

Capturing Error Code Output

How do I capture the WinSCP exit code through the command line? I want to redirect to a text file, and then read the file afterward to determine if my file transfer was successful. Here is the line of code that is only generating a blank file:
stream.WriteLine "WinSCP\winscp.exe /console /script="script.txt 2> error.txt"

The script.txt is referenced by my batch file, and the error.txt is the file I want the code 0 or 1 output to.