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Lost Username and Password due to Hard drive crash

Hi guys. I'm new to the site and I'm having a bit of an issue. I recently had a hard drive crash and had to install a completely new Hard drive and in the process I have lost my WinSCP log in info. I have iFile on my iPhone and I was wondering if there is anyway to locate my User-name and password because I have re-installed WinSCP on my new hard drive and in the set up I entered my IP address and the generic Root/alpine set up but it would not log in, which I suppose is due to my iPhone has the correct User-name and password stored somewhere... Anyways, now you know my issue. How would I go about resolving this issue by possibly locating the log in data via iFile or setting up a new account without restoring my iPhone then having to re-jailbreak and re-download and install all my jail-broken settings and apps.(don't know if that would have to happen because I'm not too keen on all of this)...So, any ideas on a possible resolution? Thank you for your responses in Advance.