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Topic review


phireak wrote:

Checksum not working, I tried with OpenSSH on iPhone and PC via SFTP protocol :shock:

OpenSSH does not support it.

Checksum not working, I tried with OpenSSH on iPhone and PC via SFTP protocol :shock:

checksum server support

That was a pretty unhelpful answer. I have contacted my webhost and asked about getting this working but they need to know what protocols have to be on their server. So HOW does a server set up the ability to use this checksum feature?

Re: Checksum support

If clients were waiting for any server to implement the feature first and servers were waiting for any client to implement the feature first, you wouldn't never get it. So we've made the first step.

Checksum support

So this feature is just for show? Havent seen one sftp server that would support this...

Re: Winscp Checksum

Do not know.

Winscp Checksum

Hi Support, I would like to know which SFTP server support your suggested checksum options ? Tried ssh tectia server but seems not working.

Thanks, Calvin