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WinSCP Version 4.2.5 (Build 624)
Windows 7
Explorer type interface

Do files copied from a unix machine to a PC with WinSCP retain any symlink information?

I lost my Debian webserver in the Nashville flood.

/var/www/ on above mentioned computer was symlinked to a mirrored array at /opt/www/

After I dried out the drives, I was able to get all of /var/www/(/opt/www/) from one of the array drives using WinSCP.

I built a new webserver and using WinSCP moved all of the backuped data to /var/www/ but this time not symlinked to an array.

Everything works, but something is wrong and I'll try to write a short explanation of one problem.

I was doing: /var/www# grep -r "/opt/" . Looking for old references to /opt/ which I had to use for some php scripts. Grep finds /opt/ wherever there is /var/ in a file.

./schematics/misc/OrganMate/organmate.php~:<?php include("/opt/www/"); ?>
./schematics/misc/OrganMate/organmate.php~:<?php include("/opt/www/"); ?>