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Re: Invalid timestamps on all 3 settings.

shifter1 wrote:

Is there any option to just completely leave the timestamps alone and let the remote server update the mtime and ctime?

Disable Preserve timestamp option in transfer settings.

Invalid timestamps on all 3 settings.

When uploading a file using sftp from a Windows XP 64 bit machine to a 32 bit Linux server, each of the 3 timestamp options WinSCP provides are invalid. If the Windows clock is ahead of the linux clock, both "Preserve remote timestamp" and "adjust remote timestamp with DST (windows)" result in files that are in the future. This is most noticeable when uploading C files that are compiled with "make" since it complains about clock skew and files being in the future.

Also, he "Adjust remote timestamp to local conventions" results in files that are 1 hour in the past which is also wrong. This bug is noticeable because make doesn't recognize the file as changed and thus doesn't compile it.

Is there any option to just completely leave the timestamps alone and let the remote server update the mtime and ctime?