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patgaw wrote:

So, is there way to stop it?



So, is there way to stop it?

Problem is that Excel sets last modification timestamp of the file to current time after you open it (resetting it back to original timestamp if you close the file without saving). It makes WinSCP believe that the files was saved.

yep, You are right.

Re: winscp wants to overwrite files which i browse

I believe it happens for Excel files only, doesn't it?

winscp wants to overwrite files which i browse

HI all, I have small problem.
If I want just browse files on sftp - let say it is .xls file, I double click on it, MS Excel opens it, but winscp wants to overwrite it (don't know why). I just want to view that file and I don't have permission to write.
Some time ago - when I was using older version, problem wasn't appearing.
So all I want is to view file after double-clicking it and not overwrite it.
Sorry I know it is not easy to understand me and my English is not very best.
Here is screen with problem: <invalid hyperlink removed by admin>