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fixed in current version

I upgraded to current version 4.2.7 and this behavior was resolved. Parameters must have only been partially implemented in the version I had.


open GUI to specific remote folders

Using WinSCP 4.17 on WinXP_SP3. I have multiple stored sessions saved on the same server, each session has a different remote startup folder. This works fine, however, when I my pwd on server changes, I need to change it for every saved session on that server.

What I want to do is create a single session for myserver', then create separate Windows shortcuts, one shortcut for each remote folder. Every shortcut would refer the the same 'myserver' session, but open a different remote folder.

I tried this for Window shortcuts:

Winscp.exe myserver /command "cd /myhome/myfolder"

but it does not work. This works:

Winscp.exe myserver /console /command "cd /myhome/myfolder"

but it opens a console window. I want each shortcut to open a GUI session in a different folder using the same session name, not a console window.

I use scripting to automate uploading and synchronizing to different folders, but I want to open GUIs to specific folders without having multiple sessions defined for the same server.

Any suggestions?
