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Re: Slow file transfer

What about other SFTP/SCP clients?

Slow file transfer

I'm experiencing slow file transfers using SFTP and SCP protocols. Both machines are on the same 100mbps network connected to each other directly. Server: Linux Debian 5 (CPU Celeron DC E1500, 2 GB RAM); client: Windows 7 (CPU Athlon x2 4600+, 4GB RAM). CPU usage on both machines are about 50-80% during the transfer. Transfer speed NEVER goes up more than ~3.3MB/s and it doesn't matter which protocol or encryption type I use (tried SFTP, SCP, blowfish, AES, 3DES, "allow SCP fallback" on etc.). Using SMB protocol I can achieve 10+ MB/s file transfer speeds from server to client machine.