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Re: Filepart Error

jose wrote:

Regarding creating a log file, would that provide me with more information than the cmd prompt log?.

Probably not in this case.

Filepart Error

Thank you very much for your quick reply - You may well have hit the nail on the head - The Job started to Transfer at around 01:00 - On the receiving server we have a scheduled task that runs every hour at 01 minute past the hour and it moves the file to a folder where the users are able to download from. So it's quite likely that the file was still being transfered at the time that the scheduled task came in and tried to move the file. Regarding creating a log file, would that provide me with more information than the cmd prompt log?.

Re: Filepart error

Is it possible that another process deletes the file while being uploaded? Does the .filepart file exist when the error occurs? A log file might be useful.

Filepart error

Occasional I am getting the following error whilst transferring a file:-

From a Windows 2003 box to another Windows 2003 box

Winscp3 version : winscp 3.8.2

Any help would be very much appreciated


D:\xxxxxx\scripts>winscp3 /console /script=d:\ssh_home\Sxxxxxx\TranScript.tx
t username:password@IP address


Searching for host...

Connecting to host...


Using username "username".


Authenticating with pre-entered password.


Starting the session...

Reading remote directory...

Session started.

Active session: [1] username@Ip address

confirm off

Name_of_file.tar.gz. | 67130 kB | 2367.1 kB/s | binary | 100%

Transfer was succesfully finished, but temporary transfer file 'Name_of_file

9.tar.gz.enc01.filepart' could not be renamed to target file name 'Name_of_file

9.tar.gz.enc01'. If the problem persists, you may try to turn off transfer re

sume support.

No such file or directory.

Error code: 2

Error message from server: No such file

Request code: 18

(A)bort, (R)etry, (S)kip, Ski(p) all: