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Thanks, you got my reply ;)

EDIT: I have deleted the "WinSCP temporary session" in PuTTY because I thought WinSCP would add a new one but it doesn't. Now the PuTTY feature doesn't work anymore from WinSCP because PuTTY always asks me for the connection data.
How can I solve that?

I have sent you a debug version.

No sessions are stored in PuTTY

Do you have stored session "B" in PuTTY?

Yes, but the last step is a little bit strange because PuTTY tries to connect to the IP from session B (which is already active in WinSCP) but with the login data from session A.

Re: WinSCP doesn't switch account for PuTTY

Just to check that my understanding is correct:
1) You have two stored session in WinSCP, let's say "A" and "B"
2) You start WinSCP
3) Double click the "B" session to open it
4) Then you press Ctrl+P to start PuTTY
5) PuTTY opens the "A" session
Is this correct?

WinSCP doesn't switch account for PuTTY

I have two connections saved in WinSCP and when I connect to the second connection it works as it should in WinSCP but as soon as I want to open PuTTY with the same login data as I have used in WinSCP (Ctrl+P) it opens PuTTY with the login data from the first connection and fails to login.
I cannot find an option to change this behaviour.
How can I fix it?