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Topic review


Re: winscp428setup.tmp was not response.


I am trying to investigate this issue but it's not entirely clear to me exactly what is happening. I understand that you choose a language in the WinSCP installer and then something goes wrong.

What is the language that you choose?

What is the actual language of Windows that you have installed on the systems that have this problem?

Do you get an "Application not responding" error, or does the application simply exit, or something else?

Are you saying that the XP SP3 VL machines work normally but the XP SP3 Retail and Windows 7 Retail machines show this problem?

Do you have any particular anti-virus, firewall software setup on the machines that have this problem? Do you block any outbound connections?

If you can help by clarifying these things for me it can help us determine what the problem might be.

- Alastair / OpenCandy

It avoids accessing the OpenCandy network.

>Can you try to run the setup with /nocandy switch?
oh, what is this?
It has advanced normally.

#RDX is me.

Re: winscp428setup.tmp was not response.

Can you try to run the setup with /nocandy switch?

winscp428setup.tmp was not response.

The response disappears after pushing OK with the selection screen of the language and the installation doesn't progress.:( What will the problem? :?
It stays up all though there are two or more machines of XP Pro SP3 VL. It doesn't stay up in the machine of 'XP Pro SP3 Retail' and '7 Pro Retail'.

4.2.1 The installer before works normally. 4.2.2 It doesn't operate normally at the following.